
We are into the ideal time of year for recording frog surveys.

We have a number of sites on Mundoo Island Station where ideal environmental conditions create magnificent frog habitat.

Our recent frog surveys have recorded the following frogs: Pobblebonk, Long-thumbed, Common froglet, Spotted marsh frog and the Brown tree frog.

We are hoping to record Southern bell frogs in the next few months as they are listed as a Vulnerable species in South Australia. We have recorded them on Mundoo Island Station in the past (photo of one we recorded).

Frog surveys are simple to undertake with a phone app. Please look at the website for more information.

All recordings of frogs provide valuable data for species distribution in our state.

We are into the ideal time of year for recording frog surveys.

We have a number of sites on Mundoo Island Station where ideal environmental conditions create magnificent frog habitat.

Our recent frog surveys have recorded the following frogs: Pobblebonk, Long-thumbed, Common froglet, Spotted marsh frog and the Brown tree frog.

We are hoping to record Southern bell frogs in the next few months as they are listed as a Vulnerable species in South Australia. We have recorded them on Mundoo Island Station in the past (photo of one we recorded).

Frog surveys are simple to undertake with a phone app. Please look at the website for more information.

All recordings of frogs provide valuable data for species distribution in our state.

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